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Cloned live vaccine, Gumboro disease, in oral freeze-dried tablet

Category: HIPRA  

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PER DOSE: Attenuated live Gumboro disease virus, CH80 clon: 10°° - 10°5 TCIDs9


Chickens, Layers and Breeders: Prevention of Gumboro disease.


Oculonasal, oral or spray.

  • It is advisable to use preferably the oral route.

Oculonasal: Inject 10 ml of solvent to break the vacuum of the vial; before administration, shake gently until the freeze-dried tablet is complete resuspended. Mix the resuspended product with the rest of the solvent. Administer one drop of the vaccine (0.03 ml) per bird, in the eye or nostril, using a standard dropper (30 ml per 1,000 doses).

Oral: Always open the vials under water; use a small quantity of water to reconstitute the freeze-dried tablet. Once the freeze-dried tablet is resuspended, pour it into an adequate container up to a volume of drinking water that can be ingested by the birds within 1 or 2 hours.

  • Do not use water with residues of biocides, use fresh tap water only.

Spray: Validate the sprayer to check the amount of water needed. Always open the vials under water; use a small quantity of water to reconstitute the freeze-dried tablet. Once the freeze-dried tablet is resuspended, pour it into the amount of water needed.

  • Do not use water with residues of biocides, use fresh tap water only.
  • It is advisable to use coarse spray (larger than 150 microns) for primary vaccinations. For revaccinations, finer droplets can be used (smaller than 150 microns).
  • Spray administration requires the use of protective mask and glasses.


Chickens, Layers and Breeders: 1 dose/bird.

  • The optimum age for vaccination should be calculated taking into account the level of maternal antibodies in the 1-day-old chicks.
  • The veterinary surgeon will establish the most suitable vaccination programme according to the health conditions of each farm and area.
  • If the number of birds does not coincide with the number of doses of available vials, an excess dose should be administered; never administer less than the recommended dosage.


0 days.


  • Store at +2 to +8 °C, protected from light.


Pack of 10 bottles of 1,000 doses.

Pack of 10 bottles of 5,000 doses.

Under veterinary prescription